Departure: 09:00Am or 4:00Pm
Distance by Van or Track: 46Kms (Roud Trip)
Distance Hike: 4.5Kms
Hike Time: 3.0 Hours
No Entrance fee
(mimimun 4 people)
We leave from your hotel in a van or track, we take the road to the north east from San Pedro de Atacama till we arrive to Guatin Valley (23kms) from San Pedro. After watching, enjoying and taking many pictures of the giant cactus we start our hike aside of Vilama river in the middle of a canyon. In various times we have to cross the river and get down by rocky areas. After 2 hours of hiking we arrive at an ancient “Tambo” of shephers, where we go down a little bit deep path, reaching our van at the end of it.